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Cashflow Review

Cash running out but you don't know when?
Worried? Not sure what to do next?
Answer: The Ampios Cashflow Review.


    • You don’t always have the cash to be able to pay suppliers as you would want;
    • You’re spending more time prioritising who can be paid;
    • You don’t have the time or resources to regularly update your cashflow forecast;
    • You need a reliable forecast to allow you to better plan your cash and your business; and
    • You are not feeling comfortable.


    • It’s seen as something “Finance does”;
    • Poor processes and lack of resource to improve them;
    • Lack of buy-in from others to improve processes;
    • Danger of a tightening cash situation is not widely understood and support is not seen as a priority.

The Ampios Cashflow Review is a half-day workshop with relevant members of your management team, feedback session and written report, which overviews:

A two-hour workshop with relevant members of your management team, feedback session and written report, which overviews:

    • A critical examination of the threats to your business posed by lack of cash;
    • Opening balance sheet;
    • Working capital cycle;
    • Timing of capital and recurring payments;
    • Sales forecast;
    • Stock and stock-holding;
    • Priority actions in your business to effectively manage cash
    • How to get buy-in from others
    • How to manage your bank relationship
    • How reliable cashflow forecasts inform management decisions

The Cost – £850 plus VAT

Please get in touch, for a no-obligation discussion about a Cashflow Review.

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